Participation in the CCICED AGM 2023

The CCICED Annual General Meeting (AGM) was eventually held offline this year, after a long COVID blockage. I attended the opening ceremony on Aug. 28th and two sub-forums on Aug. 29th, “Implementing Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework towards Harmony with Nature” and “Integrating Land and Ocean to Promote Collaborative Governance”. For someone like me who is keen to know the trend for the future of environment governance, it is quite enjoyable to listen to the “3-minutes each” reports and to converse with the top conservation leaders throughout the world.

Aside from the contents (which may be either close-door or visible in media reports), I also had some observations.

Observation 1: This grand event demonstrated the world’s continuous expectation in China in leading the worlds’ environment issues.

Despite all kinds of major global challenges in the last three years, including those in addition to COVID, this event still turned out to be a conservation gala. Chaired by Minister Mr. Huang Runqiu, AGM summoned top leaders of most key international organizations. People seemed to be very excited after the long interval, and meeting rooms were filled with appreciation and acknowledgement on China’s leadership especially in the eventual deal of Kunming – Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

I assume, and nobody would object, that among all global issues, environment is the one for which China receives most applauds.

Observation 2: The speaker offered their most wisdoms.

Beside the congratulations on the achievements China has made in conservation and biodiversity, most CCICED members and speakers provided insightful and constructive advises, at least in open occasions I attended, on what China and the world should collaborate in the future. In the

Minister Mr. Huang also chaired the sub-forum we host, leading this session an “all-star” session. Our partner in fishery association was convinced that sustainable blue economy should be the real solution for the future fishery, and supply chain should also follow up.

Unfortunately, people also found the absence of several large countries. This would no doubt bring uncertainties in future, which is especially crucial in the environment topics that require global collaboration.

Observation 3: The “environment protection” issue does not exist any more, instead, it is only a new paradigm in development.

I have been realizing this fact since long, that environment protection is de facto nature-friendly development (however it is called), but in this AGM it appeared so obvious. Open forums covered issues like carbon (energy), technology, land/sea use, consumption, etc. and these all are key elements in development. Therefore, such discussions made the AGM inevitably comprehensive enough to touch most human activities.

Minister Mr. Huang and his deputies would agree with me, they mentioned in the evening policy summary session (they all worked till 21:30!) that, “it is always easy to focus on one specific issue, but challenging to realize these suggestions altogether”.

And Yimo say: “There is no such an issue called environment protection, but only sustainable development. Many people understand development but only a few advocate sustainability. The conservationists who understands the latter will eventually turn the tide.”

Some introduction of CCICED in ChinaDaily.

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