Category Archives: 英|English

Talk in a Panel Discussion in ReThink 2024

This is definitely one of the most wonderful Expos and sessions I have ever attended featuring the green transformation. Thanks to the coordination of my colleagues in Hong Kong, I participated in a panel discussion featuring “Unlocking the Potential of … Continue reading

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A workshop in Hong Kong on ocean accounting

On July 4th, I participated in a workshop on ocean accounting in Hong Kong, hosted by WWF-HK. This workshop was to share some preliminary findings of assessment of ecosystem service in the Greater Bay Area, as well as to listen … Continue reading

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2024 Virtual Ocean Week – Internal

During the Virtual Ocean Week 2024 of our global network, I acted as a curator of a session for different countries. I decided to select the mapping exercise of biodiversity hotspots in Yellow Sea in China, as they are straightforward … Continue reading

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Participation of a CCICED Roundtable Meeting

On April 25th, I participated Roundtable Meeting of CCICED* in Haikou. The provincial party head Feng Fei, Vice Minister of Ecology and Environment Mr. Zhao Yingmin, and Mdm Mrema of UNEP delivered opening speeches. Almost all renowned organizations were present. … Continue reading

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Season of Migratory Bird – 2024 Spring

The bird migration season is around. I was invited into a live connection in “China 24” in CGTN to talk about it. I briefly introduced China’s conservation efforts on wetlands and migratory birds, as well as thinking of something that … Continue reading

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Celebrating World Wetlands Day 2024

The 2024 World Wetland Day was celebrated as usual. I was invited into a live connection in “China 24” in CGTN (China Global Television Network) to introduce the importance of wetlands. It is crucial for people to understand the linkage … Continue reading

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A Presentation at an APEC Workshop – Continuous efforts towards a treaty effectively addressing plastic pollution

Plastic pollution governance is a hot topic. CSOs’ contribution in driving practical changes is crucial, as CSOs propose comprehensive solutions and are the most viable force in pulling all stakeholders together. Invited by China Institute for Marine Affairs, I presented … Continue reading

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An Opening Speech in a side event during Plastic Treaty INC-3

On Nov. 12th in Nairobi, Kenya, we held a side event with other three Chinese CSOs during the Plastic Treaty INC-3 (Intergovernmental Negotiation Committee, Third Session). The meeting is titled as “CSO’s Engagement in Plastic Pollution Governance in China”. The … Continue reading

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A live interview with CGTN on Sustainable Blue Economy during the BRI Summit

I joined in a live interview with CGTN (China Global Television Network) on October 18th, 2023. This is a special event held during the 3rd Belt & Road Forum for International Cooperation. I answered two questions and here is what … Continue reading

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Did China Really Subsidize its Fishery?

Harmful subsidy has long been a major concern on biodiversity devastation, as such subsidies encourage production activities and thus exploitation of nature resources. As people may have seen, most global fishery conservation community have the perception that China has been … Continue reading

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