吴映日 第二篇




h 对应か行。例:【吴】海洋【日】海洋かいよう;【吴】好意【日】好意こうい。对应汉语拼音方案h。

gh 对应が行。例:【吴】合作【日】合作がっさく;【吴】豪傑【日】豪傑ごうけつ。普通话无此音。


l 对应ら行。例:【吴】利益 【日】利益りえき ;【吴】老人【日】老人ろうじん。对应汉语拼音方案l。


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有了概念,就需要形成相对具象化的原则。为帮助投资机构践行可持续蓝色经济,WWF与欧盟委员会等国际机构发起了14项金融原则,并在2019年成为联合国环境规划署管理的金融倡议,简称UNEP FI。这些倡议积极支持与海洋相关的主流投资、保险和贷款。金融机构,只要承诺采纳这14项原则,即可成为倡议的签署机构。在此,我也希望有兴趣的金融机构能够与WWF联系,以了解加入UNEP FI的各项利益。




未来,我们希望能与国家与各个地方的政策银行、金融部门、产业部门分别沟通,为不同的需求 调整相应的内容,助力出台落地的产业指导或监管政策。



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吴映日 第一篇






同时,这一规律也基本适用于粤语(我去过多次香港,也正在DuoLingo学粤语),所有的吴语团音(k, kh, c, ch)也对应か行。不过粤语也没有j这种浊辅音,所以在转化时无法一一对应。据我个人观察,湘语(例如长沙话)也有类似的规律,但是没有深入研究。

k 对应か行。例:【吴】家族【日】家族 かぞく;【吴】高价 【日】高価 こうか。对应汉语拼音方案g

kh 对应か行。例:【吴】考虑【日】考慮 こうりょ;【吴】苦恼【日】苦悩 くのう。对应汉语拼音方案k

c 对应か行。例:【吴】金属【日】金属きんぞく;【吴】交流【日】交流こうりゅう。对应汉语拼音方案j

ch 对应か行。例:【吴】巧妙 【日】巧妙こうみょう;【吴】丘陵【日】丘陵きゅうりょう。对应汉语拼音方案 q

sh 对应か行。例:【吴】香料【日】香料こうりょう;【吴】凶器【日】凶器 きょうき。对应汉语拼音方案x

j 对应が行。例:【吴】群聚【日】群聚ぐんしゅう;【吴】技巧【日】技巧。ぎこう。同英语job,普通话无此音。

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Speech in CCICED 2024 Annual General Meeting

On October 11th, I participated in the Special Policy Study (SPS) meeting of the Open Forum for the CCICED 2024 Annual General Meeting, held at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. (2024年10月11日,我在北京钓鱼台国宾馆参加了国合会2024年会主题论坛,一如既往为可持续蓝色经济提出建议,并代表国际团队为中国出谋划策)。

Here is my intervention.

I speak on behalf of the global WWF ocean team. We attempt to provide an overall solution for a sustainable blue economy.

WWF defined the first concept of SBE in 2015. I would spell out our definition here, very easy to remember, that’s sustainable, blue, and economy:
Sustainable means that the economy should provide social and economic benefits for current and future generations;
Blue means that the activities should restore, protect, and maintain diverse, productive, and resilient marine ecosystems;
Economy refers to the economy based on clean technologies, renewable energy, and circular material flows.

Specifically, I would mention, although deep-sea mining is a new sector of the marine industry, it does not meet these criteria. Due to the large knowledge gaps, we recommend establishing a moratorium until we can ensure a sufficient scientific basis to make decisions, and to take a precautionary and holistic approach. This is the same attitude as what Professor Bao Rui just explained in the last session.

In 2015, we began to assess the assets and flows of the monetary value provided by the ocean. It’s like inventories and balance sheets for the ecosystem services. In the report of Reviving the Ocean Economy, WWF evaluated the assets of the global ocean as 24 trillion USD, and annually it yields production worth 2.5 trillion USD. That is a 10% year-over-year return, more profitable than most investments. Applying the same methodology, we assessed the ocean in China as 54 trillion CNY. Now, we are in the process of ocean accounting in the Guangdong-HK-Macau Greater Bay Area. We hope this could be a baseline for future SBE development in this vital area. 


Different sectors have their ways of being engaged in the SBE.
For financial institutions, I would recommend Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles launched in 2018 by WWF and other collaborative organizations, now hosted by UNEP. This is the first global framework to deliver guidance to both the private and public sector finance onto ways towards a sustainable blue economy. We see this as a simple entry point for financial institutions. By joining the voluntary initiative, they will have access to a global community of practice, peer-to-peer learning, blue finance resources, and a knowledge base. Till now, five Chinese financial institutions have signed and we encourage more to join in.

It is important to seek linkages and alignment with these Principles and guidance in emerging frameworks that deliver Sustainable Blue Economy – for example, taxonomies and Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). TNFD has been repeatedly mentioned and I trust that most of you are aware of its importance. I will not explain more of it. We congratulate Ms. Bai Yuwen’s team on the blue taxonomy in Yantai. Recently, WWF has also finished a study of Blue Taxonomy for China. (during its early development we received much support from Patrick Yeung the session facilitator). This comprehensive taxonomy entails 8 ocean-related sectors, from fishery to marine engineering. For each specific industrial sector, it explains the definition, climate change performance, potential risks, managing policies, etc. As it is developed using China standards, guidance, and policies, they are ready to be adapted to different users in China. We will explore its application among policy banks, finance regulatory departments, investors, etc., as well as their local counterparts. 
Finally, I would take fishery as an example of transforming a traditional sector into SBE. WWF acknowledges China’s acceptance of the WTO fishery subsidy agreement and further encourages China to adopt the Agreement of Port State Measures (PSMA) against IUU fishery. We advocate for applying new technology such as AI-powered electronic monitoring in fishery vessels for better management and law reinforcement. This in turn will derisk any financial institutions targeted at this sector – not least in terms of supply and reputational risks.

It should be acknowledged that all we have mentioned here not only contributes to the blue transition but also aligns and contributes to the Kunming Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework, the collective agenda of the human being.

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9月29日报修,10月2日被告知零件到货可以送修。前后修了近万元,都够买台新的了。所幸当年买了Apple Care+,自己不用掏钱。也是人生中唯一一次财产保险起了作用的案例。

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经过多年的政治正确运动,这次男配角男高音歌手换成了黑人,于是出现了直接的穿帮。有这么个桥段,原本的设定是:男配角唱”The Point of No Return”,之后拉开帘子,观众发现其实唱歌的是魅影,男配角已经被杀,从而创造出其不意的舞台效果。然而,因为男配角是黑人,在唱“The Point of No Return”已经是显露出白人的手。因此一开始就知道是魅影,从而缺失了预计中的惊奇。事实上,哪怕带个手套,都可以是最好的弥补。

其他还有一些没有那么明显,但是还是有一些低于预期的。女主角音线偏嫩,有点压不太住(可能平时听多了Apple Music所收的莎拉布莱曼版影响吧);魅影似乎上半场还没开嗓,下半场要精彩一些(周围观众其实很专业,都注意到了这点,中场和结束后都在议论!);其他观众议论说富二代Raoul有点油腻,不过我倒不这么认为。

2、女主在”Angel of Music”里唱过这么一句:”father once spoke of an angel…”;



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Talk in a Panel Discussion in ReThink 2024

This is definitely one of the most wonderful Expos and sessions I have ever attended featuring the green transformation. Thanks to the coordination of my colleagues in Hong Kong, I participated in a panel discussion featuring “Unlocking the Potential of a Sustainable Blue Economy” (SBE) in Sustainable Business Forum (“ReThink”), on Sept. 13th in Hong Kong Convention Centre.

Mr. Alistair Monument, our conservation director of Asia Pacific acted as the moderator. I took three questions during the panel and clearly expressed our advocacies and some of my thinking toward this idea.

To the first question, I introduced two of our on-going work, ocean accounting in the Greater Bay Area and the China Blue Taxonomy. The former should be finalized next month. I introduced the latter as 8 sectors for SBE, 5 aspect for each industrial sector, and 3 years to develop and review. I have been talking about this for many times in many occasions.

For the second question on what should we do to fill the gap of SBE, I mentioned three ways.
Awareness raising. For the first time, I summarize the core value of SBE into the three key words – S-B-E. Sustainable, or the profit in a long-term investment, lies in the welfare of local community and human benefits in a whole. Blue represents positive impact on ocean ecosystem, at least not negative. Economy recognizes the necessity for development, but should take into account of renewable energy of green criteria.
Top down. As many financial institutes in mainland China are state owned, it is crucial to convince the policy makers and supervisory departments to issue favorable policies or standards, even they might be voluntary. Some banking staff may already be ready to innovate and transform. Such policies and guidance will enable that once they want to make any change, their supervisors won’t say no.
Bottom up. There is a mismatch between conservationists like us and investors. We conservationists are the ones that know nature, but most of us are just unable to translate our work to messages that investors can understand. Some investors already realized the need of sustainability, but their expertise on revenue models or balance sheets does not help. So we are trying to develop tools to fill in the gap, one example is the sustainable fishery inventory we are developing.

The third question was about the opportunities that Hong Kong could make use of for developing SBE. I saw HK’s strength as the combination of a well-established marine industry, full elements of finance (trading house and free markets), and knowledgeable investors. Therefore, HK could be a laboratory for SBE. When we develop standards or mechanisms, we may TestFlight here. And the market may tell us what works and what not.

I was quite encouraged, that after our session, several professional audience approached me and told me that what I said was especially helpful. And of course, I do hope some of the audience would appreciate our efforts and support us in the future, either by following our advocacies or fund us for future development of SBE.

The main pity was that our panel is disastrously gender unbalanced, as all five on the stage were male. Fortunately, the opening remarks and most keynote speeches were made by female speakers.

(2024) Net Zero & Nature Positive Theatre (Keynote)

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WWF观察到,政府部门早已意识到了这个情况,并正在通过各类方法尝试规范并改善塑料污染治理。2023年6月20日正式实施的《商务领域经营者使用、报告一次性塑料制品管理办法》明确要求,电子商务平台企业 需向商务主管部门 报告一次性塑料制品的使用及回收情况,报告内容包括制定和鼓励平台内经营者减塑的规则以及平台内经营者的减量成效。我们相信,包括这项措施在内的诸多要求,将会成为中国减少塑料污染努力的重要基础。
刚才提到,塑料公约即将在11月底举办最后一次谈判。而在这次谈判前,将在8月下旬在曼谷进行全球专家组的特别会议,专门讨论技术和资金问题。WWF预计,包括生产者责任延伸制度(EPR)在内的资金机制会被谈及。澎湃网友们可能也注意到,我们自去年起就与澎湃新闻一同探讨了外卖包装和食品饮料包装的减塑方向,并探讨实施EPR的可能性。我们也希望,今天针对电商平台的讨论,一方面能启发各个利益相关方思考减少塑料污染的路径,另一方面也能有助于探讨 相应的引导方式和规范制度。


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Connection with CGTN on Nationa Ecology Day

It is the 2nd National Ecology Day today, Aug. 15th. I am connected to CGTN to talk about our opinions on China’s high-quality development in ocean-related economy. Here is what I said:

Under the recently released guidelines to promote the green transition, how do you think China can better achieve sustainable and high-quality development in its marine economy?

Sustainable blue economy is a subset of green economy, therefore, many articles in these guidelines are relevant in the marine economy. In fact, it is more straightforward and practical if we focus one specific aspect like marine economies. here let me talk about two points:
The guidelines mention that technology development is crucial in the green transition. It should be mentioned that the highest potential of carbon capture and storage, lies in the ocean. The investment in these sectors, as well as exploring nature-based solution in defending natural disasters should all be considered part of the transition. These technologies related to ocean and nature will eventually benefit us substantially.
The guidelines also outline a policy system required for the transitions. WWF have started to prepare researches that can contribute. We developed a blue taxonomy, which listed the ocean-friendly industries according to China standard, so that administrations could issue favorable policies for these industries. We are now developing a sustainable fishery inventory which looks like a database of commercial projects. In the future, we hope investors can choose sustainable projects from it so that sustainable projects can be funded.
We believe these attempts in sustainable blue economy can contribute to a high-quality development under the guidelines.

Q2: How can China develop the building of a global ecological civilization and more importantly deepen its participation in worldwide environmental governance?

From the perspective of an international organization, I would say that playing active roles in international treaties is a pathway that China can explore in global environment governance.
We have witnessed China’s leadership in adopting Kunming-Montreal global biodiversity framework. China’s acceptance of WTO agreement of fishery subsidy should also be acknowledged. WWF have had several interactions with relevant departments in China on its participation in the Agreement of Port State Measures. China’s positive attitude on this agreement provided us with strong confidence in fighting the global illegal, unreported and unregulated fishery.
Currently, I would mention one specific opportunity, the new plastic treaty in negotiation. Plastic pollution is a global and transboundary issue that affects the world’s ecosystems. China possesses a complete industry chain from plastic production to waste management, which allows it to manage plastic pollution comprehensively from upstream to downstream. We hope that China could demonstrates its ambitions, and shares its experience with other countries, and thus driving the negotiation in a more ambitious and constructive direction.

I appreciate Jin Chengcheng, my colleague, on helping me shape up the expressions on plastic.

Here are the links:


图像2024-8-15 21.21.

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