Monthly Archives: July 2024

A workshop in Hong Kong on ocean accounting

On July 4th, I participated in a workshop on ocean accounting in Hong Kong, hosted by WWF-HK. This workshop was to share some preliminary findings of assessment of ecosystem service in the Greater Bay Area, as well as to listen … Continue reading

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ESG的「藍海」 – 彭博商業周刊/中文版專訪

几周前接受Bloomberg Businessweek中文版访谈,今天来香港开会,收到了同事Lydia保存的Hard copy。非常感谢她的安排和悉心准备。 访谈里面是我对可持续蓝色经济的真切希望,也是在大尺度上对于海洋保护未来路径的遐想。全文内容请见链接: View at

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